
Logs service with the following configuration:

Basic configuration
spreadsheet_id = "<spreadsheet_id>"
Full configuration
spreadsheet_id = "<spreadsheet_id>"
# messenger.url = "<messenger api url for sending messages>"
# push_interval_secs = 5
# autotruncate_at_usage_percent = 30
# filter_if_contains = []
# drop_if_contains = []

will create a single sheet with columns datetime, level, log_line. A log line is truncated to 50 000 chars as it is a Google Sheets limit for a cell. Goral tries to extract a log level and datetime from a log line. If it fails to extract a log level then N/A is displayed. If it fails to extract datetime, then the current system time is used.

For logs collection Goral reads its stdin. Basically it is a portable way to collect stdout of another process without a privileged access. Using pipes, you can create a more sophisticated preprocessing of logs. There is a caveat - if we make a simple pipe like instrumented_app | goral then in case of a termination of the instrumented_app Goral will not see any input and will stop reading. There is a way with named pipes (for Windows there should also be a way as it also supports named pipes).

  • You create a named pipe, say instrumented_app_logs_pipe with the command mkfifo instrumented_app_logs_pipe (it creates a pipe file in the current directory - you can choose an appropriate place)
  • The named pipe exists till there is at least one writer. So we create a fake one while true; do sleep 365d; done >instrumented_app_logs_pipe &
  • start Goral with its usual command args and the pipe: goral -c config.toml --id "host" <instrumented_app_logs_pipe
  • start you app with instrumented_app | tee instrumented_app_logs_pipe - you will see your logs in stdout as before and they also be cloned to the named pipe which is read by Goral.

With this named pipes approach the instrumented_app restarts doesn't stop Goral from reading its stdin for logs. Just be sure to autorecreate a fake writer in case of a host system restarts. See also Deployment section for an example.

As there may be a huge amount of logs, it is recommended to filter the volume by specifiying an array of substrings (case sensitive) in filter_if_contains (e.g. ["info", "warn", "error"]) and drop_if_contains, and/or have a separate spreadsheet for logs collection as a huge amount of them may hurdle the use of Google sheets due to the constant UI updates.