
Metrics scrape endpoints with Prometheus metrics. Maximum response body is set to 65536 bytes.

Basic configuration
spreadsheet_id = "<spreadsheet_id>"
endpoint = "<prometheus metrics endpoint1>"
Full configuration
spreadsheet_id = "<spreadsheet_id>"
# messenger.url = "<messenger api url for sending messages>"
# push_interval_secs = 30
# scrape_interval_secs = 10
# scrape_timeout_ms = 3000
# autotruncate_at_usage_percent = 20
endpoint = "<prometheus metrics endpoint1>"
name = "app1"
endpoint = "<prometheus metrics endpoint2>"
name = "app2"

For every scrape target and every metric Metrics service creates a separate sheet. When several targets are scraped, their sheet names start with <name>: to distinguish several instances of the same app.

If there is an error while scraping, it is sent via a configured messenger or via a default messenger of General service.

Note: if the observed app restarts, then its metric counters are reset. Goral just scrapes metrics as-is without trying to merge them. For metrics data it is usually acceptable. If you need some more reliable way to collect data - consider using KV Log as it uses a synchronous push strategy and allows you to setup a merge strategy on the app side.

If a messenger is configured, then any scraping error is sent via the messenger (even it is the same error, it is sent each time). In case of many scrape endpoints with short scrape intervals there is a risk to hit a messenger rate limit.